“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”

This is how I aim to live my life. Small things with great love. But it's easier said than done, mainly for two reasons. 1) you first must love yourself before you can put genuine love into anything. 2) most people (from what I've seen) do not live this way. (1) Humans are made to love … Continue reading “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”

“Commitment is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism”

I love perfect-timed fortune cookies. I don't know if I believe in signs, but I do believe that perspective is everything. And if something is presented at a moment that one's mind, consciously or sub-consciously, is seeking an answer, then the interpretation can feel enlightening as it is perceived. Commitment is a decision, as is … Continue reading “Commitment is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism”