“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”

This is how I aim to live my life. Small things with great love. But it’s easier said than done, mainly for two reasons. 1) you first must love yourself before you can put genuine love into anything. 2) most people (from what I’ve seen) do not live this way.


Humans are made to love and to be loved. Life without feeling love is hollow and doleful. It’s having a hole in your soul. That hole cannot be filled by another person’s love. It could cover the surface temporarily, but deceit is not what an empty soul needs. It cannot be filled from the outside, but rather from the inside to be truly fulfilling. Love must spill out of you for it to spill into others.


Living life with love includes seeing the love in people that do not exude positivity. It includes not judging those who seem judgmental. It includes being kind to people who are rude, being generous to people who do not seem to appreciate it, and being patient with people who you do not understand. This is not easy!! People around here are freakin’ rude! My teenage students are ungrateful! It’s too often that I ask myself, “Where is the love?” I know the love is deep inside of people, but the mask over it can sometimes make that hard to believe. The last thing I want to do is add negativity to the world. Instead of asking “Where is the love?”, we all should show the love so that no one around us needs to ask themselves the same question.

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