Cameron Highlands

This place was beautiful.

After a 4 hour van ride, Mama Duck took us to a restaurant where he STRONGLY encouraged us to have a banana leaf meal. I chose banana leaf with chicken. They gave us huge green placemats and we were supposed to eat everything with our hands. I asked my friend where the banana leaves were so I could try it and I was informed that the placemat was the banana leaf and it’s not edible. Lol.


We got to choose a 4 hour tour around the highlands, and the one that all of us ended up choosing had a tour of the tea factory and view of the tea fields, a trek through the jungle, a view from the highest peak in the highlands, a butterfly farm, and strawberry picking.

Tea fields:



Jungle trek in the pouring rain:

This would be such a beautiful view if it wasn’t of a cloud…

The butterfly sanctuary was depressing because zero butterflies were flying? Half of them looked dead, and 1 was being eaten by a giant spider.

Strawberry picking:



Our whole group played games that evening in the lovely little guest house we stayed in.

It was a great day! Next up: Penang, Malaysia!

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