Krabi, Thailand

I’m not a huge beach person, but the beaches here are paradise. Our group took a day trip to the Phi Phi Islands (pronounced pee pee…and yes every joke was made). The initial boat ride to the first island was so rough and I thought “thank God I have travellers insurance because I will need a spine replacement.” Seriously the waves were so bumpy it was comedic and everyone was screaming for the first 10 minutes of the 45 minute ride. I was towards the front and I was holding on for dear life as I levitated from the seat and came crashing down with each bounce. I sat in the back for the rest of the boat rides, and it was much better.

Nevertheless, the entire day was gorgeous. We got lucky with having no rain, and everything surrounding us was amazing. Sonia (right) has a selfie stick that comes in handy for moments like these, even though we all make fun of her for it.


Throughout the day we went snorkeling, swimming, and seeing beautiful views.







^Apparently 10 people live here and work for the islands



The water looks green in some of my photos but I swear it was so blue!!

We went by Monkey Beach but didn’t get off there. I managed to get a photo seconds before this monkey stole the woman’s chips!


At night after dinner at an Italian – Thai fusion restaurant (lol), we went to a bar and I sat next to one of many presumably stray dogs.


Before heading to the raft house (more on that in the next post), Sonia and I grabbed breakfast at a close-by restaurant. We each got french toast and mixed fruit. They had no maple syrup but they gave us chocolate syrup, and the side of mixed fruit was an entire platter. Per person. It was amazing.


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