
My final trip of my summer break was going to the Poconos with Bori.

Day 1: 25 mile bike ride in the rain and mud though Flagstaff National Forest. My legs died at the end.

Day 2: horseback riding and hiking. For dinner we went out to Scranton, which seems like a much cooler city than I would have expected. We asked our waiter where exactly The Office takes place, and he pointed us in the right direction so we could see the building haha. It was too dark to get a good picture.





Day 3: more hiking, followed by an adventure park! The adventure park was so fun and so worth the $65…we went ziplining and did 5 rigorous adventure courses. Apparently only 15% of people who start the courses finish all 5, but we made it!

Day 4: Hershey Park! I went on the scariest roller coaster I’ve ever been on…it’s called Farenheight, and there’s a hill that goes straight up and then MORE than straight down…97 degrees so it’s sort of almost upside down when we go down the hill. Google it to see what I mean!

Now…back to school time is almost here….

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