Christmas Markets

Germany is famous for their Christmas markets, so obviously I had to check them out. Düsseldorf is adorably decorated – even on my quiet street there are many windows and trees with Christmas lights and decorations. That is totally normal at home but I guess everything seems charming in a new place.

There were multiple days that I saw some Christmas markets (some by accident, once on purpose). The best ones in Düsseldorf are in Altstadt (Old Town).

Please click on the photos to see captions I wrote on some of them!


I went on a tour of Altstadt so that’s why I learned these interesting facts Pretty much nothing in Düsseldorf has English translations, or at least it’s rare from what I’ve seen. I even read that the museums have no English translations. Needless to say I was thankful to have a choice of an English speaking tour guide. There were 6 of us on this tour, and nearly 20 on the German speaking tour at the same time. I find it surprising that even the touristy stuff is aimed for German people, and that does seem to be the main population to participate. Anyway, here are more photos from outside the Christmas markets in Altstadt and facts I learned:


The tour price included a sample of this chocolatey gingerbread delicacy (amazing) and a voucher for mulled wine. Since the markets were soooo crowded, our guide decided it would be a hassle to get the mulled wine all together in the middle of the tour, so she gave us the vouchers to use on our own after the tour. I figured I had to – mulled wine is famous at the Christmas markets. So, after the tour I got myself my first Bratwurst in the motherland, and a glass of mulled wine. I got the bratwurst first, and since the crowds were a maze to get through and I was starving, I was finished by the time I got to the mulled wine place I could use my voucher at. I don’t think I’m supposed to end a sentence with “at” but get over it. So I got my mulled wine. I don’t mind eating alone, but drinking alone is a bit different. I drank my wine rather quickly, which actually worked out because essentially pre-gamed walking through annoying crowds before I got to my U-bahn station. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Christmas Markets

  1. Yes!! Düsseldorf mustard! 😁 I like how that’s the one thing both my mom and I knew about Düsseldorf. I’ll have to get some when I visit you.


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