Day trip to the Netherlands

Today I spontaneously took a trip to Maastricht, NL. I was invited last night at another expat event (this time I actually had a friend to go with, the Israeli gal I met at the last one). Although my friend couldn’t go (stupid work), I decided to join the 3 other people going on the trip. The guys I went with are from Poland, Pakistan, and India. One of them has a car here which made the journey much quicker and cheaper than it would have been by train! Plus, he’s been to Maastricht before so he knew all the best places in the town for us to see. One of the most valuable things he knew was where to get the Maastricht specialty for lunch – a sweet and sour beef stew called Zuurvlees. After that, we simply explored the city, drank coffee outside at a cafe while people-watching, went inside a beautiful old church, and walked and walked and walked. It was a very nice day 🙂

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