You know how people make fun of how the German language sounds? Like how everything sounds angry in German? We'll get back to that. Last night I went to a little music festival with a friend. As I was typing the location into Google maps to find my way, I found it odd that the … Continue reading SCHMETTERLING


Eurowings has a program called Blind Booking, where you can book a super cheap roundtrip plane ticket, but you don't know where you're going until after you purchase it. When I booked my first one, it told me I'm going to Geneva! Never would I have been able to spend so little on a plane … Continue reading Geneva


I figured I should make a post about Karneval, but I don't really have anything to say other than it was a sh**show. Picture Halloween, where everyone participates in wearing a costume, whether you are 5 or 75. Skip trick-or-treating. Everyone who can drink is embarrassing themselves on the streets (although it's not embarrassing - … Continue reading Karneval


Twice this week, I randomly ran into people that I know. Once in a while it still hits me that I'm living in Germany far away from my home, but this time it hit me that I actually live here and it's normal. I've made friends from the UK, Israel, Germany, Romania, India, Poland, Ireland, … Continue reading Milestones