
I figured I should make a post about Karneval, but I don’t really have anything to say other than it was a sh**show. Picture Halloween, where everyone participates in wearing a costume, whether you are 5 or 75. Skip trick-or-treating. Everyone who can drink is embarrassing themselves on the streets (although it’s not embarrassing – it’s just German) and it’s one big street party outside in the city center. For 5 days straight.


I have a video where you can sort of hear the German music but videos cannot easily be uploaded here 😦

Karneval technically started on November 11, and is ending during these 5 days before Ash Wednesday. So it’s somewhat comparable to Mardi Gras. Only my part of Germany celebrates it this way though – other regions and countries celebrate it uniquely too.

My favorite parts of this year’s Karneval:

  • I saw a guy dressed as a prisoner getting escorted away by cops
  • A shark riding his bike on his way to the celebration
  • A man dressed as a nun asleep on the train
  • It seemed the most popular costume for people to wear is an animal onesie
  • I found cheap accessories so I could dress as minnie mouse
  • I got to experience it with new friends 🙂

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