You know how people make fun of how the German language sounds? Like how everything sounds angry in German?

We’ll get back to that.

Last night I went to a little music festival with a friend. As I was typing the location into Google maps to find my way, I found it odd that the place was called “French Cars.” I didn’t question it too much though because, well, Germans. Turns out the event was in a garage. Literally there were some cars in there in need of repairs. I felt like a German hipster! (Is that even a thing?) There were even 2 food trucks…selling bratwurst, of course. One had burgers, and I loved the name of it – Let It Beef.


The live music was very enjoyable, even though I couldn’t understand most of the words. A few of the artists performed some songs in English. During one of the songs, I found myself unable to recognize whether the guy was singing in German or English. I thought it was English, but I wasn’t certain. I asked my friend, and she wasn’t sure either. This cracked me up – how can I not recognize my own language!? In the end we decided that it was English when we could finally pick out some English words being sung. My lesson for you: German and English don’t sound THAT different when no one sounds angry.

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