I love having visitors! With Julianne, we explored places I HAVE to show anyone who visits Dusseldorf, and also places I haven't even been yet. I took pictures in some of those places I hadn't been before...read the captions of the photos for slightly more details 🙂


Well, eggs can't get much fresher than this. Straight from the chicken. Speaking of eggs, boiled eggs sold in the grocery stores here are hand painted. It's adorable!

I was trapped

...in a grocery store. Okay here's a really stupid story: I left work and waited at my U-bahn station. 9 minutes until the next train, fine. A few minutes later I looked at the ETA and it said 16 minutes. WHAT? I really hate waiting for the train when the wait time is in the … Continue reading I was trapped


My 12th grade Hungarian student said, "When there's nice weather in Düsseldorf, it's like when you step on an anthill and all the ants come running out." One cannot come up with a better description than that! This week had more warm days than cold, and it has really made me happy! I learned something … Continue reading SUN

For the past 3 weeks, I've had people visiting. Now everyone is gone, but I can't yet tell if I'll feel more lonely than usual. It's kind of weird having two lives. I sometimes forget that me living in Germany isn't like a study abroad or an inevitably temporary thing. My career is here! I … Continue reading