“Are you not scared of the world?”


Mostar Bridge

I was asked by the man checking tickets to climb the city walls of Dubrovnik if I’m scared of the world, after learning that I’m an American traveling by myself.

People were recently arrested in Germany for plotting a terrorist attack in my new home town. Yes I am scared of the world. But no matter where I go (or stay), I’m in this scary world after all…so what can I do other than live?

I took one last trip before the school year ends. I stayed in Dubrovnik and took a day trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dubrovnik was beautiful, with its narrow alleys and mountains sharply contrasting with the sea. I stayed in the old town, surrounded by the 14th century city walls.

Although there were tourists EVERYWHERE, I was the only one who showed up to the evening walking tour of the city so it was cancelled. I thought it was a disaster at first because tours are a MUST for me in cities I haven’t been to, but I did my own sight seeing and had the time to do something I hadn’t planned to do – I took the cable car up a mountain and got to watch the sunset from up there.

The next day was my tour to Mostar, Bosnia. The van held the driver/tour guide, a Swedish man, a Dutch couple in their 70s, a British couple slightly younger than the Dutch, and me. We got along so well and the Dutch couple was so cute and their English was adorable and I’m pretty sure they loved me by the end of the day. It sounds like an odd group but it was a fantastic day, the guide was very thoughtful and funny, and I learned a lot about Croatia and Bosnia.

We stopped at a few places in Bosnia before we got to Mostar. The drive was beautiful along the mountains but also sad to see so many abandoned buildings from the war in the 90s. The unemployment rate in Bosnia is depressingly high and in Croatia, tourism is the only industry that one can really live off of, which is only part of the year. At least, that’s how the guide put it. He also voiced his opinion on how joining the EU has not been good to Croatia, since salaries decrease but taxes and cost of living increases. This is one of the reasons I love tours (well only if they are given by locals) – because otherwise I would not get to hear the opinion of someone who is experiencing what I am only visiting.

When we got back to Dubrovnik I was exhausted but had plans to do another super touristy thing. I love that people can walk around the perimeter of the old town on top of the city walls. It allows tourists to see a new perspective of the city (and there are less people to dodge).

Lokrum is one of Croatia’s many islands. Peacocks roam free here but humans are not allowed to live or even stay the night on the island. Apparently Lokrum is cursed…but it’s beautiful and peaceful.

I had to catch the boat back to the mainland at a specific time in order to catch the bus back to the airport. I hadn’t realized what a steep and far hike it was to get to the top of the island, so I had to hurry to get back to the boat. I barely made it – seconds after I got on, the boat dispatched.

When I got to my accommodation to pick up my backpack and pay for my 2 nights, the owner wasn’t there but he had left a note on my door saying he’s sorry he couldn’t say goodbye but to leave the amount I owed in the room (trusting!). I didn’t have the right amount in Euros or in Croatian Kunas, so I had to quickly figure out what combination to leave to reach the amount I owed (ugh math). I hurried across the old town to get to my bus stop, which is mostly up stairs and hills. I stopped to get a smoothie on the way because I was so hot and hungry and thirsty and wah and it felt like it took forever for the dude to make but finally I got it and hurried up a massive hill. Again, within seconds, I made it on time. Literally if I showed up 30 seconds later I would have missed the bus because it pulled up, I got in, and it kept going. It was not waiting around at all. My smoothie and I were very happy.

And that concludes my final trip of my first 6 months living in Europe. Next time I get on a plane, it will be to the USA next weekend!




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