
Fjords are everywhere in Norway. They're fascinating to me because they're the result of glaciers from the last ice age melting. Allison and I took a boat on our first fjord in Oslo. We pretended to eat other boats. There were many islands with cute summer houses. One of the islands has foxes that like … Continue reading Fjords


I was told that Sweden is the most secular country in the world. Swedes are said to be open minded and accepting despite differences. While Allison and I were in Stockholm, the city was celebrating gay pride for a whole week, which it does annually. No matter which direction we looked, we were bound to … Continue reading Lagom


There's no English word that matches the Danish "hygge." The website states, "In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Friends and family – that’s hygge too. There's nothing more hygge than sitting round a table, discussing … Continue reading Hygge