Leipzig and Madrid

I am so lucky that my boyfriend didn’t break up with me when I moved to a different continent. I’m also so lucky that he is able to work from “home” while visiting me in Germany.

We went to Leipzig for one weekend. Bori liked it because JS Bach lived there and played music in the church we got to go into. I liked it because it’s a cute small city and I got to practice some German.

The next weekend we went to Madrid. On our free walking tour we learned that the messier a bar looks, the better the food is. Apparently locals wipe their mouths with a napkin and throw it on the floor when they really enjoy the food.

Our Airbnb host did not speak a word of English, which to me is unexpected for someone who hosts tourists. But he was a really nice old man with a chihuahua 🙂 We had to use translators to communicate and my memory of about 10 Spanish words that I learned in high school came in handy sort of but even without being able to easily communicate, it was clear that our host was kind, thoughtful, and caring. On both mornings, he prepared us breakfast with freshly squeezed orange juice (I know it was fresh because I woke up to the sound of a machine grinding the oranges). It was really hot in the apartment and there wasn’t a fan but it’s okay because the little dog hung out in the bathroom because the floor was a bit colder and I liked playing with the doggy in the bathroom 🙂

I think Bori’s highlight of the trip was when we went to TWO soccer stadiums…I must say that wasn’t my favorite part.

We went inside the oldest restaurant in the world! It’s captioned in one of the photos below…

On Bori’s birthday we went to a Nigerian restaurant…(yes apparently there is one in Düsseldorf!) Of course Bori made friends with everyone in the restaurant and was pleased to see a bit more diversity in my city (which is quite diverse in nationality but Africans are less common).

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