
I’m not used to overnight field trips for high schools. The students at my school get to go on loads of trips to different places over the years, and I was excited to chaperone a 5-day 11th grade trip to the most random unheard of place in Deutschland. After being on a bus for nearly 10 hours we made it to the Schloss (castle), where we would be staying. Not bad, eh? (why do I sometimes type things I would never say out loud?) The yellow building below is the one.

To sum up the trip, Outward Bound is an excellent program, my group of 14 girls challenged themselves and got a lot out of it (I think), we all had to poop in a hole in the woods because we were camping at a biwak for 2 nights (and by we I mean everyone in the group except me because I didn’t want to camp so I slept in a bed in the castle…#sorrynotsorry), and when another teacher and I ditched our groups to avoid camping, we explored another castle grounds and went to a chocolate factory (again, #sorrynotsorry).

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