Spring Break

Coming back from a trip often feels like I went through a time warp. I could almost forget that I was on a fantastic two-week trip. It started off much less than fantastic. In the morning of my flight from Cologne airport to Milan, I had to take a train from Düsseldorf to Cologne, and … Continue reading Spring Break

Going on a business trip makes me feel fancy. I went to Vienna for an international math education conference. I was definitely the youngest person there, but I'm getting used to that. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's only my 3rd year teaching and I shouldn't get mad at myself for not having … Continue reading

When you leave your comfort zone, you stretch your circle and allow more things to become within your comfort zone. I sometimes laugh at how odd my comfort zone is; going to the staff Christmas party is outside of my comfort zone (and so I am not going haha), but jet-setting by myself to a … Continue reading

Fall Break

Man am I thankful for fall break. We have a break about every 8 weeks. This was the first break of the school year, and Bori flew into Amsterdam (cheaper flight than to Düsseldorf) and I met him there. We went to Brussels, Rome, and Lyon during the week. Here are the highlights: Brussels We met … Continue reading Fall Break